
Get a stable yield
even in uncertain times

Discover the potential of the largest boutique of alternative investments on the Czech market. In AIA, in addition to classic investment instruments, we focus on finding interesting investment opportunities that are an alternative to financial markets and are not subject to their fluctuations.

We give your investments purpose.


01. What We Do

We will guide you  on your way to financial independence

Financial security is the basis of real freedom. We are helping you with creating a profit from your finances that will help you reach your goals

We will design a financial strategy that fulfils your visions
increase and secure your property
create you an active income
help you to build your financial independence

Investment portfolio that suits you

Thanks to the extra colourful variety of investment opportunities, we are able to fulfil your demands according to your notion on investment horizon, expected profit, risk or liquidity of your investment. We will show you how to maximize returns of the investment even at low-risk. 

02. Why with Us

Attractive profit & security

We are searching for interesting and profitable, yet secure investment opportunities. Thanks to the high diversification of your portfolio, we can protect your assets and offer support in ever-changing world of finances.

Wide spectrum

Next to conventional investments, we are bringing you the widest spectrum of alternative investments on the market.

New Opportunities

Our portfolio is continuously growing as we search for new attractive investment opportunities.


We cooperate only with renowned and verified partners. The security of your property is our top priority.


We care about what we invest into. With us, you can invest into scientific research, technologies of the future or climate protection.

... and personal approach with top service

You know what's going on with your resources at all times. We are always available for consultation or advice.

6–15 % p.a.
average annual income
9 years
on market
satisfied clients
600+ mil. CZK
assets under management
professionals with experience in the field

Who are our

entrepreneurs, managers, doctors, athletes, artists
companies, cities, municipalities, foundations and charities, housing associtations
financial institutions and companies as our business associates
03. Portfolio and Services

Wide Spectrum of Investment Opportunities

Invest according to your financial appetite. We cooperate with number of associates, offering you the ability to invest into each asset in numerous ways.

Smartio A.I.F.

investment horizon 2 years

Our very own qualified investor fund focusing on alternative investments into attractive fields of the future.

Developer Projects

investment horizon 3–5 years

Long-term sustainable investing into real estate, in cooperation with our prestigious partners.

Modern technologies and Cryptocurrencies

investment horizon 2 years

Choose from a number of options of how to strategically trade and profit from cryptocurrencies, from binds to shares in cryptocurrency mining farms.

Infrastructure Project

investment horizon 3–10 years

Target-focused investing into building and running sustainable projects in infrastructural sector of clean technologies.

Corporate Bonds

investment horizon 3–7 years

We provide bonds of Czech or international companies, in cooperation with our renowned business partners with long-standing history and high rating.

Wealth Management and Trust Fonds

Aktivní správou vašeho majetku vyčleněného do fondu vám pomůžeme získat pravidelnou rentu, vytvořit finanční rezervu a ochránit majetek před riziky.

Active management of your assests allocated in a fund will help you gain regular income, create a financial reserve and protect your property from risks.

Expensive Metals and Stones

investment horizon 5+ years

We will help you build a suitable portfolio of investment commodities with permanent, time-tested value that can be deposited in the Czech Republic or anywhere in the world.

Investment Art and String Instruments

investment horizon 5+ years

In cooperation with leading Czech experts in the field (such as Jiří Rybář or Jaroslav Svěcený) we provide complex service in this branch of alternative investments.

Asset Management

investment horizon 1 year +

We provide complete service in managing your stocks (bonds, shares, etc.) and other assets.

Private Equity and Startups

investment horizon 5+ years

Shares in companies with a great growth potential. We focus on financially stable small and middle-sized companies with competitive advantage in the field of infrastructure, IT and healthcare.

Investment Specialities

investment horizon 5+ years

We will create a tailored, exclusive portfolio inspired by the world’s best investment strategists such as Warren Buffett, Ray Dalio, the Nobel Foundation and others.

Do you wish to invest into something in particular? We will find you the right partner

Specify the type of asset and expectations you are interested in,  and we will find and verify suitable partners in the market.

Professionalism. Quality. Confidentiality. We build on more than 20 years of experience in the field

We give your investment purpose while protecting your property. Take part in supporting meaningful projects while earning an attractive profit.

Ing. Jarmila Hla Shwe, MBA, EFA
Company Founder and CEO

What Our Clients Say About Us

Our services do not end with the compilation and management of an investment portfolio

complex maintenance of your finances (protection of your property and its health, loans, company programmes, etc.)
legal and consultation services
additional services (notarial safekeeping, safety deposits)
workshops, panel discussions & newsletters about the current happenings on investment markets
04. News

News about Our Company and the Financial World

Aktuality srpen 2024

  • Že trh se zlatem tápe? Ve druhém kvartálu se obchodovalo za rekordní průměrnou cenu
  • Přichází ochlazení. Postrachem českých aukcí jsou padělky
  • Česko je druhou nejméně dostupnou zemí v Evropě pro koupi bydlení
  • Ikonické mistrovské dílo Leonarda da Vinciho „Salvator Mundi“ bude debutovat jako NFT

Aktuality červenec 2024

  • Cena zlata je na rekordu
  • Červnová inflace zpomalila, koruna oslabuje
  • Rekordní hodnota indexu PX činí 1936,1 bodu

Aktuality červen 2024

  • Na červnové aukci 1. Art Consulting padla řada autorských rekordů
  • Navzdory rekordním cenám chtějí bohaté státy dál zvyšovat své zlaté rezervy
  • Bitcoin v červnu vykazoval klesající trend
05. About

An Experienced Team

After many years in prestigious banks and consulting companies, Jarmila Hla Shwe joined forces with the best investment experts and in 2014 founded her own brand and later the company AIA - Alternative Investment.

The goal of our team is to help you effectively and meaningfully manage, protect and enhance your assets.
We are constantly educating ourselves and looking for new, attractive investment opportunities.

Meet the Team

Ing. Jarmila Hla Shwe, MBA, EFA
Company Founder and CEO

Jarmila has held management positions at Raiffeisenbank and ČSOB, created private investment portfolios of creditworthy clients for the AWD holding (now Swiss Life Select), and since 2012 has been running her own consulting company  AIA - Alternative Investment. She has more than 15 years of experience in the field.


We are always looking for new players to join our team. Are you ambitious? Do you wish to organise your own work and time? Do you never back away from a challenge? Join us today!


More about Career
06. Contact

How can we help you to profit from your property? Contact us.

The information provided in this form is processed by AIA - Alternative Investment, s.r.o., ID number 02703190 based on your interest in investment services, for a maximum of 12 months.

Prague Office
AIA – Alternative Investment, s.r.o.
Politických vězňů 19
110 00 Prague 1 - Nové Město
Czech republic

ID: 02703190, VAT ID: CZ02703190
registered in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, File C, insertion 222734